The APCDA Career Services Competencies were built by a dedicated taskforce who reviewed many competency lists from our own region and the world.  We began with the Australian list and added to it from lists of others who seemed to better express specific areas of competence.  We then looked for gaps and found resources among teaching materials and other resources to fill in the gaps.  The result is not a unique list.  In fact, most of us agree on the core competencies.  But the list is organized in a way that makes sense across the cultures in our region and explains what we do.  All of us felt that we had included the most important competencies that we each use on a regular basis.

APCDA Career Services Competencies

It is our hope that this list can provide guidance to career practitioners through the Asia Pacific region and guide APCDA’s professional development programs. Please feel free to pull out those competencies that are most important in your own setting and use the list you construct to guide yourself and your co-workers to improve areas of weakness or in need of being refreshed.

If you find areas that need refreshing or competencies that are lacking, please let us know.

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