Welcome to APCDA
APCDA connects career development professionals who work in or are interested in the Asia Pacific region and provides a global forum for sharing career development ideas, research, and techniques that are effective in the Asia Pacific region.
What Does APCDA Offer?

APCDA Webinars​

APCDA offers two webinars in most months: One is a Fee-based webinar by a presenter with an international reputation and the other is a Member Mentoring Webinar by members offering their expertise at no cost (free to members and a small cost to non-members). Both types are available to the public. See our Events on our Member Portal. Our Recorded Webinar Library can be accessed by the public by clicking on Store or by members from our Member Portal.

Annual Hybrid Conference

Each year, normally in late May, APCDA offers a conference in a different country in our region. Join us in-person or virtually for an intense learning experience to keep up on what is happening globally in the field of Career Development. Visit conference page for more details

APCDA Podcast​

The current podcast season focuses on the ‘Voice of Industry’. If you like to keep current with developments in the world of work, upcoming trends and emerging careers, then this season is for you.

APCD Journal​

Asia Pacific Career Development Journal (APCDJ) is an international biannual scholarly journal dedicated to all career development and intervention related topics.

Area Information​

Researching career development around the world?  Use our Area/Regional Information pages to find out what is happening in our member countries/regions.


  • Reduced prices for all events and conferences
  • Member Directory to find others who share the issues you face
  • Help us develop better services and resources
  • Join our leadership team to gain skills and guide us
  • Learn MoreMember Benefits | Join APCDA


August 20-23

2024 ACDA Conference, Alexandria, Egypt

October 20-23

2024 CDAA Conference,  Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

November 12–14

2024 IAEVG International Conference, Jyväskylä, Finland

January 27-28

2025 CANNEXUS, Ottowa, Canada

May 12-26

2025 APCDA Annual Conference, Zhengzhou, China

June 17–20

2025 NCDA Conference, Atlanta, Georgia

June 26-28 2024 NCDA Conference, San Diego, California, USA
October 20-232024 CDAA Conference,  Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
November 12–142024 IAEVG International Conference, Jyväskylä, Finland
January 27-282025 CANNEXUS, Ottowa, Canada
May 12-262025 APCDA Annual Conference, Zhengzhou, China
June 17–202025 NCDA Conference, Atlanta, Georgia