Nepal Representative

Mohit Jain

Discover Within Janakpur

Career Counselling in Nepal (August, 2021)

by Mohit Jain
  • 49.6% of students have listed the same five jobs as their favorite.
  • 85.3% of students don’t know what they need to study to reach their dream job.
  • 95% of parents would appreciate professional help for their children’s careers.

The State of Career Counselling

The result of the study from Career Disha Nepal illustrated that 50 percent of 800 students listed the same five professions as their dream job Doctor (12.3%), Nurse (12.3%), (Computer/Software) Engineer (10.4%), Businessman (7.7%) and Army (6.9 %) respectively. Research showed that many of them had trouble identifying the appropriate education about their desired job.

Students are unaware of the career information required in the journey ahead. Schools and colleges don’t have a career coaching ecosystem. Due to this, students rely on peers, family for their career decision.

Challenge and Opportunity

Challenges for career counseling in Nepal include a lack of tools and guidance in career counseling services. Study abroad consultancies are working as career counselors. Consultancies are providing the counseling service interchangeably. There is a lack of psychological assessment tools and career coaches who can help students discover their career paths. Nepal needs more than 30,000 career counselors in Nepal to cater to 10,00,000 students. A comprehensive approach that combines psychological assessment and counseling with career information is a must right now in Nepal.

Discover Within has been started to build the career coaching ecosystem in Nepal. Discover Within provides career planning & a roadmap of the students’ journey. The team helps to strategize and vision the students’ careers through self-discovery. The team seeks to partner with schools, colleges, and institutions to build an ecosystem for career coaching in Nepal.