Embracing the Future Through Leadership, AI, and Career Design

2025 APCDA Hybrid Conference May 12 - 26, 2025 All Presentations will be Virtual on May 12, 14, or 16, 2025

APCDA invites you to share and showcase your professional expertise, research, or successful practices. In 2025, we will focus on providing leadership in the field of career development, how technology like AI is changing the workplace, and how to help clients design careers that are meaningful for them.

The deadline for proposals for presentations:  November 30, 2024

See the conference page for the schedule, registration fees, and other information.

This conference will be Hybrid. What does that mean?

  • May 12, 14, and 16: Virtual Presentations (100% virtual)
  • May 23 to 26: In-person plenary speakers in Zhengzhou, China, broadcast to virtual attendees

 Official Conference Language: All presentations will be in English or Chinese.  

Registration Fee:  Presenters will receive a $50 USD discount from the applicable registration fee.

Technology: The Conference will provide a Zoom channel for your presentation.  If you prefer to use different online presentation software, you may provide your own link to us. However, you may only use software that is allowed in China.  Anything based on Google is banned in China.  You may provide a pre-recorded video for a portion of the time, but we expect you to be available in person after the video ends to answer questions.

Handouts: Presenters are responsible for providing handouts and/or PowerPoint slides for the attendees. They will be pre-loaded into the conference software 2 weeks before the event so attendees have time to download them before the event. Your event will be recorded and provided to attendees following the event. Due to time zone issues, there may be many who choose to watch the recorded presentation after the conference.

Program Selection Process: All who propose will be notified via email of acceptance or rejection of the proposal no later than Friday, December 13, 2024.  Occasionally, proposals get lost in cyber-space. If you do not receive a decision by this date, please contact Info@AsiaPacificCDA.org.

Submission Instructions:

Submissions must be entered into this Online Survey Form.

It is recommended that you compose your answers as a document using

this printable version of the information required. Then you can copy your answers from your document into the online survey form.Click here for a short video explaining the Proposal Submission process.

Proposals for Presentations Require the Following Information:

Warning:  Length limits will be enforced.  If you exceed the limits stated, we will truncate your submission. When counting the number of characters, we include spaces and punctuation in the count.

  1. Title: (100 characters max) *
  2. Program Abstract: (650 characters max, for the conference program) *
  3. Detailed Description: (2500 characters max) *
4. Presentation type (choose one of the following) *
  • Skill Builder: workshop that teaches skills to attendees (50 minutes)
  • Practice:  Description of techniques or processes that you use in your work (25 or 50 minutes).4Research: Brief summary of research you have conducted (25 minutes). See additional instructions below.
  • Posters: A visual summary of your research or technique which will be posted on the conference website, formatted to fit on a screen with no more than 3 pages of scrolling. The proposals shall be of a high scientific level and/or reflect innovative practice.

5. Setting (chose all that apply): *

  • K – 12:  Career development in kindergarten, primary school, high school, or technical school; ages 5 through 18.
  • College:  Career planning, development, or job placement in a college or university setting
  • Adults:  Career planning, development, job placement, or coaching with adults
  • Labor market:  Includes information about the labor market, workforce, or economic changes that effect career plans
  • Other – please specify

6. Presenter Contact Information:

  • Name in the Conference Program *
  • Name on the Presenter Certificate *
  • Email *
  • Job Title *
  • institution/organization *
  • City
  • Country/Area
  • WhatsApp Number
  • Bio *: a short description of the presenter’s professional history, 100 words or less
  • Photo *

Provide the same types of information for each presenter.  We publish a photo of each presenter. Please submit a photo of each presenter showing their face. We accept .JPG and .PNG photo file formats.

The online form provides space for 3 presenters, but you can add more by sending the above information by email to:

7. Certification of attendance: *

When I click “Done”, I agree to these 4 points:

  • I understand that I, and all other presenters, must register for the Asia Pacific Career Development Association and pay the appropriate conference fee(s) by by Saturday, April 12, 2025.
  • I commit to present the topic which I have submitted.
  • Should my content include resources which are available for sale, I understand I cannot sell items during a presentation and only by the purchase of an exhibitor table am I entitled to sell resources.
  • I understand and adhere to all of the above and should I not adhere to any portion of this statement APCDA has the right to cancel my program immediately.

We look forward to receiving your proposal!
The deadline for proposals for presentations:  November 30, 2024