International Association of Applied Psychology
Call for Abstracts


The International Association of Applied Psychology will hold its next conference, the 31ST INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY, ICAP 2026 which will be held in Florence, Italy 21-26,  2026. You can find the Call for Abstracts here.

APCDA would like to organize a Symposium for this event,  A Symposium requires representatives from 3 different countries to agree on a topic and submit a proposal together. Presentations must be delivered in-person, so you must plan to attend this conference in-person.

If you plan to attend ICAP 2026, please send a list of topics on which you would like to present to by Friday, February 14.  We will collect these and form a group of all who are interested.  We will use the topics you list to look for a common topic that could unite the group.

Asia Pacific Career Development Journal (APCDJ) is an international biannual scholarly journal dedicated to all career development and intervention related topics, such as career counseling, individual and organizational career development, work and leisure, career education, career coaching, and career management.  Issues are published each March and September.  We are currently accepting manuscripts to be published.

To view the journal, please follow this link: Asia Pacific Career Development Journal

You may also read Which Articles Should be Submitted to the APCD Journal

For APCDJ submission guidelines, please follow this link: Submission Guidelines for Authors

For more information, please contact:

All manuscripts should be submitted electronically via

Also read: Which Articles Should be Submitted to the APCD Journal?

Member Job Bank

By Raza Abbas, Public Relations Co-Chair

APCDA is a vibrant global member focused community that has qualified career professionals from across the globe. To increase membership engagement and to promote community engagement, APCDA encourages it’s members to share career opportunities in our weekly announcements.

Members from all APCDA countries are encouraged to share part-time, full-time, remote, gig, consulting, project opportunities, speaking, and training opportunities across the broad career development field.  Access to the Member Job Bank free to members and you can find it in your Member Portal:

Members are encouraged to enter job announcements.  Job announcements are only visible to Members.  Employers and others who are not members are encouraged to send job announcements to and we will post them for you.

Job Postings information categories include:  Job Title, Company Name, Job Description, City, Country, Region, Job Category (Career Practitioner, Educator, Job Placement Specialist, Other), Job Type (Contract, Part-Time, Permanent, Temporary), Salary Range, Salary Type (Annual, Contract, Hourly), Deadline, and How to Apply.  Please also mention training requirements and language/cultural requirements, recognizing that this is an international audience.


Interested in Advertizing in with APCDA? Please read our APCDA Advertisement and Promotional Activities Policy that explains all of the options.  Similar opportunities are available on each of our digital spaces, including our website, conference software, and our social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, WhatsApp etc. Promotional opportunities include news blogs, announcements, and exhibit booths.

Please consult this document to gain an overall understanding of the options available.  Details may change due to technology changes.

APCDA has many recorded webinars, some by famous people and all containing really valuable information about our field.  Some webinars are free to all.  Other webinars use dual pricing based on the average income of your area. After six months, all paid webinars are free for members and low-priced for non-members. All Recorded Webinars can be found in the Store.