The Asia Pacific Career Development Journal, Vol 3, No 1

Vol 3 No 1 (2020):
March 2020 Issue
Published: 2020-03-23
Editor's Note
Editor’s Note
Brian HutchisonLead Article
Workplace Experiences of Transgender Individuals: A Scoping Review
Danielle C. Lefebvre and José F. DomeneAbstract: This scoping review sought to explore the literature regarding the experiences of transgender people in the workplace. Through an examination of previously published quantitative and qualitative research studies, the experiences of transgender people in the workplace were considered in terms of the implications of the existing knowledge base for career development practice in the Asia Pacific region. Several key themes and patterns were identified: support, gender-related concerns, structural and institutional concerns, and resilience of transgender individuals. Subthemes for each are also explored. The review was guided by a strength-based perspective, highlighting the adaptability, flexibility, and resiliency of transgender individuals. The discussion includes recommendations for safe and non-discriminatory career development practice, workplaces, and policies.
Review Articles
Abstract: From an Aotearoa New Zealand perspective, this article considers the potential contribution of advanced counseling skills and knowledge to the work of coaches. Many coaches recruited to work within organizations are charged with the responsibility of maximizing professionals’ performance. In contemporary workplaces, relatively superficial performance concerns may conceal symptoms of stress or of other psychological problems undermining employee effectiveness. Although New Zealand coaches tend to have a strong industry background, they tend to lack training in counseling beyond basic microskills, and may be unable to recognize or address psychological issues such as stress, anxiety, or depression. This discussion of the utility of counseling skills in coaching practice incorporates reference to international literature and to an illustrative case example in which a professional reflects on the effectiveness of coaching that addressed his underlying psychological struggles, facilitated by a coach equipped with advanced counseling skills.
Aotearoa is the Indigenous Māori word for New Zealand. It is used to honour the bicultural nature of New Zealand.
Improving Career Services through Enhanced Experience Management
Zheng Wang, Tyler R. PedersenAbstract: Over the past twenty years, many successful large businesses have shifted their business strategy toward enhancing customers’ experience with a product or brand, and away from typical business concerns such as product quality, price, and market trends. They have done so in order to enhance customers’ loyalty to a particular brand and to assure continued purchasing by the customer. Similar to the business world, universities are increasingly concerned with their ability to attract new students (customers) and to maintain their engagement and loyalty (assure students’ persistence at and long-term relationship with the university). Customer (student) experiences with the University, now frequently referred to as ‘experience management’ or ‘XM’, are important factors in student success. This article describes XM within the business world and higher education, and how experience management can be implemented within career services offices to enhance overall student success. We provide a case study of innovative implementation of XM strategies within an American university career services office and then explore how other universities may implement similar XM strategies with particular emphasis on China.