APCDA welcomes all people working in the field of career development or career planning anywhere in the world. Please join us and help us advance this important service to society. Our goal is to share ideas and techniques among areas/regions and among cultures. Whatever your background or special areas of concern, we are happy to have you join us.
- Regular Member: A employed person in the field of career development or a related field. Examples include counselor, teacher, advisor, coach, consultant, trainer, etc.
- Organization Member: A person representing an association, company, or institution that provides career planning services or represents career development professionals in one of the Asia Pacific areas. Organization Members will be entitled to one free news announcement per year and a webpage that describes their services and activities and they will be able to control its contents of their webpage. (Click here to see our Member Organizations.)
- Student Member: A person studying in a full-time career development or related program.
- Retired Member: A person retired from work in the sector but still interested in retaining membership
- Lifetime Members: A lifetime membership costs as much as 10 years of regular membership. Once you have paid, you never need to pay again.