

In an effort to keep our members and community updated on the latest industry developments, we publish news broadly grouped into five segments. These segments include association news, announcements, career trends, member recognition, and others. Our goal is to provide comprehensive and timely information that supports our members’ growth and success in the field. Stay informed and engaged with our regular updates.


Subscribing to the News Blog

Asia Pacific Career Developments is emailed weekly. It is free to anyone who wishes to receive it. Click here to subscribe.


Submitting Articles to the News Blog

Please submit articles in Microsoft Word format to Articles are normally 600 to 1500 words in length, although we also accept longer articles.  Our Blog is not a research journal and our APCD Journal is happy to accept research articles.  The tone of our News Blog is usually relaxed rather than formal.  We are looking for announcements of local events, practical information, opinions, or experiences. A bio and photograph per article author also is required for first time authors. If you are planning to write about a topic, please let our News Committee know which topic you have chosen and when we might receive the article.  Please also use this email address if you have questions.

Our weekly blog is published on Sunday each week.  Articles received by Monday can be edited and ready to release on Sunday.  Because the blog is weekly, there is no fixed deadline, but there is usually a delay of almost a week to get the article ready for publication.  If it is necessary to delay publication because we already have too many articles, we will let you know.

Citing APC Developments

You can quote a newsletter in a formal research report using this format:

Asia Pacific Career Development Association [APCDA]. ([insert year article was published]). News Blog. Retrieved [insert today’s date], from [insert URL of the news article]