
The webinars sponsored by APCDA are rich in content and valuable to career practitioners. APCDA records webinars so they may be viewed at any time. Watching any entitles you to receive one Continuing Education contact hour if you request the certificate.

After 6 months, these Recent Webinars are available free to members and for a small fee for non-members.  When you register for a recorded webinar, you will receive a link to the recording and materials.

APCDA recorded webinar videos are the property of APCDA and are intended for use by individuals for their personal education or for instructional purposes. When you register for a recorded webinar, you receive a URL and a password for that video. You have the right to watch the video yourself or to use it to instruct others. Your right to use the video is not time limited. Videos may by watched as often as you wish.
Click here for the APCDA Video Use Agreement.


APCDA is an NCDA Approved Continuing Education Provider, so these CEs can be used for NCDA credential maintenance.