2025 APCDA Hybrid Conference
Embracing the Future Through Leadership, AI, and Career Design
2025 APCDA Hybrid Conference,
May 12 - 26, 2025, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China
2025 APCDA亚太生涯发展学会学术年会
2025 年 5 月 12 - 26 日,中国郑州大学
The Asia Pacific Career Development Association (APCDA) provides an international forum for sharing career development ideas and experiences in the Asia Pacific. The audience will consist of delegates from many Asian countries and regions as well as other parts of the world. The conference provides opportunities for networking, sharing among practitioners, and identifying new resources. Join us online or in-person to share and discover new ideas and visions of the future.
- Registration Opening: January 6, 2025
- Scholarships Deadline: February 15, 2025
- Earlybird registration Ends: February 28, 2025
- Awards Deadline: March 10, 2025
- Regular Registration ends: April 11, 2025
Conference Audience
All presentations will be in either English or Chinese. Translation will be provided for keynotes and selected presentations. The audience will be international, consisting of delegates from many Asian and Pacific countries and regions, the US and Canada. Networking, sharing among practitioners, and identifying new resources are important aspects of this conference. The first week will be totally virtual and will include breakout sessions (6 simultaneous sessions). The second week will be in-person and broadcast to our virtual attendees. Recorded presentations will be available for 3 months after the conference.
Keynote Speakers
AI-Driven Career Design for a Brighter Future
Dr. Kevin Glavin, CEO, 首席执行官,
Create Your Why
21st Century Core Competencies and Career Development
Principal Chair Professor of Curriculum and Instruction, The Education University of Hong Kong
Dr. John Lee Chi-Kin, 李子建博士,校長暨課程與教學講座教授, 香港教育大學
Career Development in the Age of AI: Findings from the China Higher Education Employability Blue Paper
AI 数智时代的职涯发展:数智时代中国大学生职业能力蓝皮书 研究报告
Dr. Fan Hongmin 樊红敏, Dean of the School of Education, Zhengzhou University
Promoting Career Education Curriculum Development in Higher Education with a Focus on Meaning Construction
Dr. Qiao Zhihong, Party Secretary of the Psychology Department, Beijing Normal University
Navigating the Disrupted Path: Cultivating Lifelong Learning for a Changing Workforce
Dr. Wang Jianhua Dean, Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of School of Education Science, Nanjing Normal University
Future Talent Development Landscape from the Perspective of Industry Trends and Technological Development
Miss Smilla Yuan, Chief Expert, PAC Mind Consulting, former HR Director at ByteDance
袁凌梓女士,首席专家, PAC心思咨询,原字节跳动人力资源总监
Schedule (China Time Zone)
会议议程 (北京时间)
Networking, sharing among practitioners, and identifying new resources are important aspects of this conference.
The activities highlighted in purple are not included in the registration fee.
May 12 – 16: 100% Virtual, 6 simultaneous presentations during each Breakout Session
5月12日 – 5月16日: 完全线上进行,每个时段同时进行6场报告
Mon May 12 5月12日 周一 |
9 am – 2 pm 上午9时 – 下午2时 |
6 Breakout sessions 分组报告 |
Wed May 14 5月14日 周三 |
9 am – 2 pm 上午9时 – 下午2时 |
6 Breakout sessions 分组报告 |
Fri May 16 5月16日 周五 |
9 am – 2 pm 上午9时 – 下午2时 |
6 Breakout sessions 分组报告 |
May 23 – 26: Hybrid: In-Person in Zhengzhou, Live-streamed to Virtual Attendees
5月23 日 – 5月26日: 混合式,实体会议于郑州举行,并提供线上与会者连线参与
Fri May 23 | 10 am – 1 pm | Hybrid 混合式 | Optional Extra: PDI 1 专业知能提升工作坊 1 |
2 pm – 5 pm | In-person only 仅实体 | Optional Tour: Henan Museum 河南博物馆之旅 | |
6 – 8 pm | In-person only 仅实体 | Meetup dinner 相见欢 | |
Sat May 24 | 10 am – 1 pm | Hybrid 混合式 | Opening Ceremony and Keynotes 开幕式、颁奖仪式和主旨演讲 |
2 pm – 6 pm | In-person only 仅实体 | Presentations by Zhengzhou Students (Chinese with English subtitles) 郑州大学博士生论坛 (中文发表,英文字幕) | |
6 – 8 pm | In-person only 仅实体 | Reception and Cultural Performance 欢迎与文化晚会 | |
Sun May 25 | 8 am – Noon | Hybrid 混合式 | Awards Ceremony, Panel Discussion, and Closing Ceremony 主旨演讲与主题论坛 |
2 pm – 6 pm | In-person only 仅实体 | Roundtable Discussions (some in Chinese, some in English) 生涯圆桌分享会 | |
Mon May 26 | 9 am – 1 pm | Hybrid 混合式 | Optional Extra: PDI 2 专业知能提升工作坊 2 |
1 – 5 pm | In-person only 仅实体 | Optional Tour: Career Centers 生涯发展中心参访 | |
Tue May 27 | 8am – 11:30 pm | In-person only 仅实体 | Optional Tour: Longmen Grottos, Shaolin Temple, and Shaolin Zen Show 龙门石窟、少林寺和少林禅宗表演之旅 |
The conference has been designed to provide you the flexibility and convenience of attending either in-person or virtually. Week one is virtual for all (May 12, 14, 16). Live-streamed presentations and discussions allow all presenters and attendees to participate without leaving home.
In the second week, choose to join us in-person or continue to attend sessions virtually. The live content sessions will be streamed to those who are remote with simultaneous translation.
The activities highlighted in purple are not included in the registration fee.
All times use the China Time Zone.
Conference Registration
Registration includes these activities:
Virtual Registration Includes: | In-person Registration (Includes Virtual): | |||||
Dates | What is included? | Your Location | Dates | What is included? | Your location | |
Mon May 12 | 5 hours each day: 6 simultaneous presentations. You choose the sessions you want to watch. | At home/ office | Mon May 12 | 5 hours each day: 6 simultaneous presentations. You choose the sessions you want to watch. | At home/ office | |
Wed May 14 | Wed May 14 | |||||
Fri May 16 | Fri May 16 | |||||
Fri May 23 | Meetup Dinner | In Zhengzhou, China | ||||
May 24 – 25 | Plenary sessions 3 to 5 hours each day, broadcast live from Zhengzhou | At home/ office | May 24 -25 | Plenary sessions 3 to 5 hours each day plus afternoon sessions in Chinese. Evening reception May 24 | In Zhengzhou, China | |
All content sessions will be recorded in case you want to watch them later.
Prices are shown in USD 价格以美元显示 | Through April 11, 2025 年4月11日前 | April 12, 2025 & after 年4月12日之后 | ||
In-Person (includes Virtual) 线下(含线上) | Virtual Only 仅线上 | In-Person (includes Virtual) 线下(含线上) | Virtual Only 仅线上 | |
Non-Member 非会员 | $330 | $230 | $360 | $260 |
Professional Member 专业会员 | $310 | $210 | $340 | $240 |
Student/Retired Member 学生/退休会员 | $230 | $160 | $260 | $190 |
Vendor Table or Virtual Booth 供应商展位 或 线上展位(含1与会名额) | $580 | $320 | $620 | $400 |
Optional Professional Development Institute (each) 自选 专业知能提升工作坊 (每场) | $100 | $100 | $100 | $100 |
Optional Afternoon Tour (each) 自选 下午半日游 (每次) | $30 | N/A | $30 | N/A |
Optional All-day Tour 自选 全日旅游 | $140 | N/A | $140 | N/A |
Group Discounts
Group Size 团体人数 | Discount 折扣 |
3-9 | 5% / 95折 |
10-19 | 10% / 9折 |
20-49 | 15% / 85折 |
50 or more | 20% / 8折 |
Optional Extras:
Professional Development Institutes (PDI): The two 3-hour PDIs by the keynoters provide a more in-depth learning experience, where you will have the time to really learn the skills and content. Unlocking Career Potential by Dr. Kevin Glavin will allow you to experience the Career Construction Interview and feel its power and value to clients. Future-Ready Leadership: Mastering the Art of People and Innovation by Allan Gatenby will introduce you to a new type of leadership that facilitates the personal development of everyone on the team.
- 专业知能提升工作坊:由专业讲师呈现的两场各 3 小时的专业知能提升工作坊将提供更深入的学习体验,您将有足够的时间深度学习掌握相关技能和内容
- Optional Tours: On Friday, tour the Henan Museum with an English-speaking guide. On Monday, visit the Zhengzhou University Career Center and a local high school career center. On Tuesday, take an all-day tour of the Longmen Grottos and Shaolin Temple, then enjoy a spectacular evening Kung Fu performance at the temple.
旅游行程: 周五,在英语导游的带领下参观河南博物院。周一,参观当地的生涯发展中心。周二,全天游览龙门石窟和少林寺。晚上在少林寺欣赏精彩的功夫表演。
CE Clock Hours Available: All content sessions at this 2-week conference will be recorded, so you may earn CE Hours by either attending a session or listening to a recorded session. You may earn up to 40 CE Clock Hours.
提供继续教育(CEU)学时:在为期两周的会议中,所有演讲都将被录制下来,因此您可以通过参加会议或收听录制的会议来获得 CE 学时。您最多可获得40个继续教育学时。
Refund policy: Registration opens in January. Registrations that are canceled at least 14 days prior to the event can be refunded. After that time, there are no refunds. Note: there are no processing fees for switching from In-person to Virtual, or reverse. No refunds 14 days or less prior to the event for switching from in-person to virtual attendance; Only the additional cost will be charged for switching from virtual to in-person attendance.
退款政策:一月份开始报名。 在活动开始前14 天前取消报名可以获得退款。逾期则不予退款。注意:从线下转为线上参会不退差额;线上转线下参会补差价。线上线下参会转换申请不另收手续费


Just south of the Yellow River, Zhengzhou City is the capital and largest city of Henan Province in central China and serves as the political, economic, technological, and educational center of the province. It is also known for scientific research. Zhengzhou is a major hub of China’s transportation network and has an international airport. Is population is about 12 million and it is one of the 13 emerging mega-cities in China. Evidence of Shang dynasty settlements from around 1600 BC have been found in the area, but the name Zhengzhou was first used in 605 AD. It is situated on a vast fertile floodplain at the transitional zone between the North China Plain to the east and the Song and Xionger Mountains to the west.
郑州位于黄河以南,是中国河南省的省会和最大城市,也是该省的政治、经济、科技和教育中心,科研实力强劲。郑州亦是中国交通网络的主要枢纽,拥有一座国际机场。其人口约 1200 万,是中国 13个新兴特大城市之一。该地区发现了公元前 1600年左右商朝时期的遗迹,但郑州这一名称最早出现于公元605年。郑州地处广阔肥沃的冲积平原上,位于华北平原以东、嵩山和熊耳山以西的过渡地带。