Benefits of Membership

- Reduced registration fees
- Full access to the Member Community for networking with other members
- Free access to the APCD Journal
- Membership in the International Association of Educational and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG)
- Free access to the IJEVG (IAEVG’s Journal)
- A voice in the association
- Use of our Member Logo
Special member pricing:
- Discount on conference registration
- Discount on some live webinars and free access to others
- Recorded webinars are free to members after 6 months. Visit the Store to see our wide array of valuable recorded webinars.
- Free access to APCD Journal
- Free access to IJEVG (International Journal of Educational and Vocational Guidance): For instructions on accessing the IJEVG, look in your Member Portal Workspace.
Networking with other members
Use the Member Portal button to log into the networking area. Share ideas, questions, documents, articles, or organize discussion groups on a topic that is important to you. Please join a committee. Our committees make APCDA a vibrant and growing association – and they need your help. Join a Committee and get acquainted with other APCDA members.
APCDA on Facebook, LinkedIn, WeChat, and WhatsApp
Find us on LinkedIn , Facebook and WhatsApp To connect with us on WeChat send a message to
Contribute to APCDA
Members also have the privilege and responsibility for guiding APCDA. As a member, we will ask your opinions and ask you to vote on important options. Your opinions are always appreciated. A Survey is sent every July to help guide our next year of operations.
Membership in IAEVG
APCDA pays for membership in IAEVG for all of our members. By joining APCDA, you automatically become a member of the International Association of Educational and Vocational Guidance and you have free access to the IJEVG the Journal of IAEVG. For instructions on accessing the IJEVG, look in your Member Portal Workspace.
Continuing Education Provider for NCDA
APCDA is an NCDA Approved Continuing Education Provider, so these CEs can be used for NCDA credential maintenance.